Need more Copper Red Glaze Recipes?! I can’t seem to get enough!!! Here are previous posts on the topic of Copper Reds: Click Here!
I’m not sure most potters (and definitely most people!) understand the obsession for copper reds. Basically, it is the adventure of seeking something that is hard to find – a true treasure!! That’s the fun of it!!! Steve S. Saroff explains the passion well in a guest post on Carole Epps’ blog, Musing About Mud.
When going through some old Ceramics Monthly journals, I came across a couple of interesting articles on Copper Reds!!

This article gave some recipes for Cone 9 Copper Red Glazes that had some interesting hues and effects!

Although many of the chemicals are not ones that I normally use, it might be worth giving them a try.
Here are the recipes:

Crazy tho….found another article on Electric Kiln Copper Reds – Cone 6!!!! and I’ve worked so hard to get them in high fire gas reduction!!!

No matter, one of my best copper reds is a Cone 6 recipe that I use in the high fire reduction to cone 10 and it works great!
Here is a link to the recipes in the article onMore Electric Kiln Copper Reds by Pearson

Interesting in the instructions the amount of time to “dip” the piece is significantly longer than I usually dip a piece – and it is different for each glaze – up to 10 seconds!
Good to find more copper red recipes!! I may give some a try! The quest for copper reds continues! Let me know what you think and if you have tried any of these recipes!!!
Upward and onward!
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