I just reread my post, MirrorTime and Advice to Myself, which deal with deciding on my direction.

The link to her article doesn’t seem to be working- click the above link to watch a video by Lana Wilson.
So here I am at the same crux in the road. What do I want to do with my pottery? I’ve got the glazing down pretty well, but a bowl is a bowl is a bowl! I need it to make a statement – ’cause I’m for sure not going to be a production potter!
I think that as we progress, grow, learn, create and then evaluate, our goals and expectations for ourselves change. When our expectations change, then the resultant product changes. But I NEED that change to be something that will be positive and emphatic, not just a small decision.
Therefore, I’m reading Lana Wilson’s article AGAIN! AND I’m going to put my head to thinking on what I want next. I need to get back to doing something that makes my heart sing!