I recently re-read Lana Wilson’s article in Clay Times, titled “Developing Your Own Style” in an effort to redirect myself for my next body of work.  Her advice throughout the article is well-put and rings true as to how to best “figure out what we want our clay work to become.”

However, even with this excellent advice, (the best of which is probably “Go to your studio…and make…), I found myself still adrift in a sea of information, choices, interests, and desires!!

What do I want my clay work to become?

Where do I see myself in 5 years time?

In the article, Lana challenges us to write a brilliant, short description in third person describing our work in five to ten years time….


But when you think hard enough, it will become apparent.  It is actually what you have dreamed of all along.

Mine would be to create for myself (and others, if the Clay Gods are generous to me!!) large, interestingly-crafted platters, bowls, serving pieces that are gloriously colourful in rich, amazing glazes that can be used to pile with glorious, delicious food to serve to a group of friends and family on a regular basis.  That is my whole desire.

So when you break that down, my goals should then be to:
Create large, interestingly-crafted pieces, and to
Develop rich, colourful, amazing glazes
The rest…food and family are in a different basket.

That really helps!  It narrows my efforts and keeps me from wandering aimlessly from project to project, looking for the right thing.

I would love to be known for my glazes and that search will never end …. probably!