If you have read my blog, you know that I’m sort of obsessed with achieving copper red glazes on stoneware in my fibre-lined gas kiln (see other blog posts on copper reds HERE).
So when I met Susan Filley at NCECA and saw her gorgeous copper red glazed pots, I was gobsmacked!!
Her pots were so gorgeous and the copper reds were outstanding!
I had to know how she did it! And she told me that achieving copper reds was EASY!!!! Good to know! But I have had trouble with consistency, reduction, spotty coppers-half and half. So I needed her secrets to make it EASY!!
Well, potters are amazing people! Susan gave up her secrets quite readily and seemed so “OK” with giving up what I figured was a guarded secret!
Here are her tips:
1. You must have a very tight box (kiln).
2. Bisque fire your pots that are going to be glazed for copper red to Cone 010. This will allow the clay to be more porous and the pot will therefore soak up more glaze.
3. Start reduction at Cone 010.
Easy. I’ve bought Cone 010 and will try this!
Her work is gorgeous! The glazes are luminous. And Susan Filley is a gracious and lovely woman!
For more information, check out her website: Susan Filley
Gotta PotterLove Susan Filley!!!