When I worked at my studio in Texas, I was limited in space, expertise in mixing glazes, and only firing in an electric kiln. After attending Steven Hill’s Workshop on spraying glazes, I set about finding a source for ready-mixed Cone 6 glazes.
I found Coyote Clay online and ordered several glazes -WOW! They worked great! They were easy to use, mix and had consistent results. Even better, they looked great sprayed and when layered.
I was getting close to achieving the gas kiln “look” that I was craving!
Here is an example of what can be achieved:
Since moving to Australia, I now have a gas kiln and working with the Cone 6 glazes has not been on my “list of things to do”. However, after seeing their booth at NCECA 2013, I was no less impressed.
Martin Butt and his wife, Willie, were there and their booth was awesome! Made me remember why I loved their glazes!
So if you are in the need for Cone 6 glazes – look no further!
Give them a call – (Toll Free-866-344-2250) or check out their website at Coyote Clay.
Sorta makes me long for the simplicity of the electric kiln and Cone 6 glazes! Nahh……