As most potters know, you don’t throw anything away as you might could use it for something!!! in the pottery studio!!!
Here are a couple of ideas for creating homemade pottery tools from recycled items in your home.
First: I use used water bottles with a drinking lid for storing and dispensing slip and paper clay made from the clay slop of the clay that I am currently using. It’s a bit of a no-brainer, but works well for me! and I had forgotten about it until I visited my studio in Texas a few months back and there it was! So useful!

Second: I make scoops for my glaze chemicals from any type of plastic bottle that has a handle. The ones that are made from a plastic that is a bit heavier work best. Milk cartons are pretty flimsy. The ones from detergent, etc work best. I’ve shown what they look like in the pics below:

Bet you have figured out something even cooler!
If so, let me know and I’ll put it in my next “pottery tools” blog post!
Cheap as!
Good morningm Marian! I use the circular piece that the toilet paper wraps around. Instead of throwing it away, it is great holding my clay in position when i freeform my clay. When i make handles and they need to be held out a little bit I bend the cardboard tube and slip it in and it forms a stand to hold the clay until it dries.
Thanks for that! I save those too! But currently, I’m saving them for Halloween! Cut eye slits, put a glow stick in it and hide it in the bushes! OOOOOOHHHHH so scary! can’t wait!
I have been using recycled plastic milk bottles (the square ones) for storing glazes for over a year now. Makes storage easy and accessible. Great and easy to shake the glaze in before using Just wondering what the lifetime would be of this plastic. Would hate to go out and find them all cracking and leaking. Just wondered if anyone has used them for an extended time and would share that. Thanks G
Hi ! Jeez! No idea!but I’d say several years and hopefully you use them often enough to notice ! If I hear anything further I’ll let you know !
Thanks for reading and commenting !