John Britt and George Ohr got me to thinking.
While on vacation for Chrissy in the USA, I came to the realization that I’ve let so many distractions into my life that my own work has suffered, if not regressed! So I’ve decided to attack my priorities anew and get myself back on track!
One thing that got me to thinking was John Britt’s new book on Mid-fire Glazes.
It is written so expertly, yet simply and it has really made me think about what I’m trying to achieve – why the struggle for cone 10 reduction? Why have I tried Raku, woodfiring, pit firing, and all sorts of other things?! (who knows the answer to all those questions?! When I fiugre it out, I’ll let you know!)
Britt’s book is amazing! A great read!
One of my favorite tips- TO AVOID RUINING YOUR KILN SHELVES WITH DRIPPY GLAZES (like that would never happen, right?!)
1. Roll thin slabs of clay
2. Bisque them
3. Kiln wash the thin slabs
4. Place the thin kiln-washed slabs on your kiln shelves
5. Fire your work on those thin slabs!!!
Saving your kiln shelves! Brilliant! and WHY didn’t I think of that?????
Plus his book is full of hundreds of brilliant glazes and LOADS of information!!
Buy it here from John Britt’s website (and he’ll sign your copy!)
I still love my cone 10 glazes and can’t see changing now, but the idea of midfire glazes lurks in my brain and his book makes it totally DOABLE!!

Another amazing book that I read while on holiday was George Ohr: The Greatest Art Potter On Earth by Eugene Hecht.

George Ohr – fascinating guy!
His work is totally öff the charts” in terms of creativity and originality! But it again makes me wonder why I’m not doing the “Marian pottery” that I so long to create!!!!

Isn’t his work great?! It excites me to see no limits!
Here’s a video about George Ohr and the Museum of his work in Biloxi, Mississippi – on my “bucket list”of places to visit someday!
I basically have no excuses – I just need to keep working and creating! It’s all happening!
Peace out, Potter buddies!
thanks for another great post – there are so many awesome ways with clay it is very easy to get distracted…
I’ve been finding it hard to get into the studio as often as I want for about a month. I understand, but you do have to make time for your clay, it might be good for the soul.