Another workshop?, you say.
Well, yes, and it’s in Mexico. San Miguel de Allende – a place I’ve always dreamed of visiting. Ronnie said he’d go with me! So here we are in a plane for a 30 hour trip from Australia!! I can’t wait!

I recently read THE FOUR HOUR WORK WEEK by Timothy Ferriss – sexy title- but that’s really not all it’s about. One of his tenets is that we shouldn’t wait for retirement for retirement- that those “breaks” should happen all along the way- not just at the end of our careers. But one of the questions that arises if you do this, is “Why am I here?” “What’s my purpose in life?”

Shouldn’t I be doing something ‘important’ with my life?

Ferriss says, that he believes that we are here to be loved, to love others and to never stop learning – that’s why we are here! And when you think of it like that it takes all the pressure off and life can be so much more enjoyable.

So, yes, I’m taking another workshop! Learning heaps! And loving others – so I’m good!

Just think of the possibilities!
