I decided to make my own version of them.
This would make an excellent class or group project as it turned out to be quite a BIG project!!!
As they came out of the extruded, (my husband helped me) – it REALLY takes two!! – I laid them on pieces of foam from an old egg crate mattress cover. This kept them from squishing or flattening . For the ones that were six-sided, I gave them a twist at this point.
After they hardened a bit, I cut them into smaller pieces.
All of the pieces need to be cut so that they can stand after being glazed in the kiln.
I used underglaze that I had on hand – but I would recommend just using glazes – will save you HEAPS OF WORK!!! And I think the colors might be brighter.
Be sure to also make lots of “in-between ” pieces, as you’ll need them when stacking the totem.
After firing, I simply stacked them on a 10mil steel rod. Easy peasy!
So get cracking!!! Make yourself some totems!
Keep potting!
they look great