online storeI received some great advice, some valued sympathy, and some great suggestions in response to my blog post, Pricing Your Work.

Lori Watts, of Fine Mess Pottery blog and Fine Mess Pottery website, gave me the greatest comment that I’d like to share with you.

From Lori:

OH BOY DO I HAVE THOUGHTS!! Before I was a full time potter, I was a receptionist. It has always amazed me that, by dint of compensation, my ability to answer the phone politely is more valuable than my skill as a potter.
$35 is definitely not too much for a mug! But I know what you mean, I used to dicker myself down all the time. I stopped doing it once I established for myself an equation on which to base pricing, as opposed to just how much I think it seems like it “should” be. I worked backward: determined how much I needed to make, and then divided by how many pounds of clay i use in a year. My prices went up but I make more money. I just put the pots out there, with the prices, and never apologize or explain. If it’s not to self-promotory, here are the links to the two posts while I was working out my equation.

i am working on a third one, in my head, called The Life-Changing Magic of Doing the Math. :)

Thanks Lori – such awesome advice.  It’s a struggle for all of us!

Keep the Faith,
