Here is my latest figurative sculpture! She’s been a long time in the making and has met many obstacles along the way, but she made it and I love her.
The wonderful part about figurative sculpture is that I feel that I can make a “statement” and that the sculpture can “speak” – such a wonderful thing.
As I create a sculpture, I have an idea in my head of what I want her to be, but through the creation process, the clay and the sculpture will tell you who/what they want to say. This was especially true of this sculpture.
Embattled Earth Angel is composed of clay and metal. She has been twice fired, ultimately raku fired.
Embattled Earth Angel is making an environmental statement on the condition of our planet. She has been sent to protect Earth, but she finds herself besieged by enemies, both natural and human. In the war to save Earth, she is attacked relentlessly and reflects the damage – leaving her scarred and eroded. Although she faces many difficulties, she guards and protects with a majestic and regal manner, determinedly intent on averting further damage from mistreatment and neglect.
I’ve never aspired to be a production potter, each of my pieces are one-offs and works of art. However, sculpture has taken me to a different place in my ceramic work.
My sculpture fell apart several times during construction. I gave her a massive mastectomy and then reconstruction on three occasions. She blew up in the kiln and became even more interesting.
Here is a video that shows the process of her creation.
I love, love, love, her!
Thanks! She’s cool…and she loves you back!