Making your own brushes can be such fun! It is inexpensive, easy and really a creative endeavour.
I’ve written about making brushes and how I gather roadkill – Click Here to read.

Handmade brushes can be strictly functional or can be more artistic in design.

I decided to host a Brush Making Workshop to teach others how to make brushes, but also as a collaborative effort to make brushes for ceramics.

It was really amazing how creative and hard-working everyone was –

Everyone worked diligently on their brush creations – individually and cooperatively.

Their creativity was boundless!
A 4 – wheel drive across the property took us to the bamboo grove and to other areas that had plenty of “brush handle” possibilities.

Back at the barn, everyone got stuck right back into making brushes!

The final results of everyone’s day of brush making were pretty incredible. Here they are!

I don’t think anyone will be able to look at sticks without thinking “brushes” or “roadkill” and not think, “STOP”. It’s an addictive little sport!
It was a great workshop – very laid back and cruisy – but also very productive!
It will be interesting to see what everyone does with their brushes and if they make more!
I, personally, can’t wait to start mark making on my pots!
Happy potting to you all,