Since moving back to the USA after living in Australia for 15 years, I’ve been amazed at the creativity surge in me that has occurred! Different than in Australia – I never felt that there.
In Australia, I learned so much – from so many wonderful potters. I was amazed at their creativity, centeredness and focus. I, on the other hand, floundered – chasing every bunny down every bunny trail and never really sticking to one thing! The great part about that is that I got to learn so much, experience so many types of pottery, firing types, and glaze techniques. And each potter in Australia seemed to be so inspired by something….the beach, the ocean, the landscape, the culture…but I never found that. Instead, I focused on glazes, chasing gas firing nirvana and trying to achieve copper reds.
When I started making again here in the USA, I just KNEW! My hands just worked and my mind KNEW what it wanted to create and especially what it wanted to SAY!!!

As a result of about 6 months of work, I have created a body of work that I have entitled, “Tell Me You Love Me And Bring Me A Drink”.
This series of vessels came from my background as a “farm girl”.
Watching my father plow the fields, check his irrigation water fill the rows, dance when it rained that precious water and praise when harvest came in – gave me a rich vision for these vessels.
His love of these furrows, and ultimately mine, give my work a voice saying, “Tell Me You Love Me And Bring Me A Drink”.

My first marketing venue is coming up this weekend in Lubbock, Texas (in the Panhandle of Texas) at the Llano Estacado Winery at the Llanco Estacado Wine and Clay Festival. I’m really excited to see how this new work is received. Actually, it doesn’t even matter if it sells, it’s just going to be great to see it displayed and get people’s reaction to it! I feel like the people in Lubbock will “get it” as that is a huge agricultural area, but who knows. Maybe I’m the only one that the work speaks to…if so, I’m ok with that. It feels good to be speaking my truth.
Oh you’re on the money! That’s a great design, and the ideas behind it shine through. Have a great time!
Thanks! I think we will! We’re all ready to go- lots of vessels and pottery! So we shall see!
All the best,