First up, try to avoid this annoying problem by avoiding glazing too close to the foot or using runny glazes or not using kiln wash…but as we all know…s… happens! So when it does, don’t always throw in the towel, or the pot as it were, try to save it by grinding the foot.
This recently happened to me and here’s what I did:

Attach a Diamond Core Grinding Disc (self adhesive) to a bat that will easily fit on your wheel.
Buy a simple water pump (like an aquarium pump), attach a piece of plastic tubing and figure out a way to have it drizzle over the grinding disc. (I used a VERY make-shift holder from a set of chopsticks and duct tape -my husband wasn’t around!) Have a bucket placed under the drain of the wheel table/pan to catch the run off water. It can then be recycled by the pump onto the grinding disc.
While running the wheel at a fast speed, and water drizzling onto the wheel, press the pot’s foot that needs grinding against the grinding disc. This will take a bit of time, but the result is AMAZING!!!
Diamond Core Tools also have a wide selection of grinding tips for your dremel tool and come in extremely handy! I recommend all of their products- excellent!
Good luck and let me know how it works or if you have any questions.
All the best