If you have ever had the opportunity to fire in a gas kiln, you know the wonderful results that can be obtained-unlike any other! The glazes glow differently, the colors melt together differently, and the clay body even looks different.
I had the distinctly wonderful opportunity to have and use two gas kilns while living in Australia; and, even though, my commercial cone 6 glazes fired in an electric kiln are definitely looking good, the draw to fire in gas is always out there…lurking…drawing you in!
It is a much more laborsome way to fire. It is also more unpredictable and less repeatable, but that’s also part of its allure!
When I returned to the USA, I found a set of burners that I really couldn’t remember buying. But then it all came back to me! They were a set of Summit burners for converting an old broken-down electric kiln into a gas kiln!!!
So!!! We (Ronnie and I) got busy and have done the conversion! Here is a step by step visual tutorial!
First, we took all of the elements, wiring, controllers, thermocoupler out of the old kiln.

As soon as I fire it, I’ll post again on the process and outcome! Can’t wait!
All the best,