Sometimes I just want to give up on a piece. It’s well thrown, but it just looks horrible!
That happened recently – I, evidently, didn’t mix my standard white glaze thoroughly (I hadn’t used it in about a year) and when applied and fired it looked so amateurish and U.G.L.Y.
So I applied more glaze by brushing on gobby coats of about 5 different glazes. Second time, still U.G.L.Y.
But I remembered that old saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.

I once again applied more glaze by brushing on thick, gobby coats of glaze.
Third times a charm! These little bowls look great and are perfect for hand-held salad, cereal or dessert!
Never give up if it’s still a good pot….until it isn’t! Then take a hammer to it!