If you are like me, you never have enough stilts for low-fire pieces or Raku firings. These stilts are essential for any piece that has glaze all around and you don’t want it touching the kiln shelf and sticking. Unfortunately, they can be pretty pricey and are easily broken.
Especially when I raku, I often need stilts to prop up small items – Christmas decorations, jewelry, etc.

I decided to make my own stilts and found it amazingly easy and also very useful as you can make any shape and size to fit your needs.
I’ve had to fire totem pieces that are totally glazed, but they are long shapes, so making my own stilts has been excellent.
Here’s how to do it:
Order these little stilt pins from Amazon or your local pottery store. (I’m in the middle of nowhere, so Amazon is easier!).

Roll out a slab, using a clay that is groggy and can withstand heat and abuse- (I use Raku clay), Cut out little shapes of clay that you think you will need. Punch the stilt wires into the clay, trying to get them evenly spaced and also the same depth so that a piece can easily sit atop the stilt.

Once they are dry, bisque fire them and they are good to go!
Good luck and have fun with this little project to make your life as a potter easier!
Happy Potting!