My love for getting my hands in clay probably started with making mud pies in the sand box at my family home on a farm/ranch in Texas.
I feel like I’ve been a potter my whole life. My daughter even dreamed that I was a Sumerian Potter in a former life! I love that! Read about it in the post: Dreams.
But I actually only touched clay for the first time at Baylor University in a Ceramics Course….I was hooked.
My first wheel was built by my husband – a big old heavy, welded wheel frame with a concrete fly wheel. It was a kick wheel! My studio was in a barn on our farm near Stratford, Texas.

As we moved around in our careers, I gained more pottery expertise, equipment, and enthusiasm. My studios moved from a barn, to a garage, to another garage, to a huge barn in Australia and now I’m back to a studio in a converted garage.
Here is a video showing our property and my studio in Australia! Click here!
Here are two blog posts describing my studio in Australia. The Shed!The Add On!
Further instruction has come from learning from the best – David Leach, Don Reitz, Gary Huntoon, Al Tennant, Maria Spies, Kristen Giles, Lisa Orr, Malcolm Greenwood, Lisa Clague, Marcia Selsor, Brian Keyte, Greg Daly and Stephen Hill, and many more.
For me, probably the best education for learning the art of ceramics has been through experience, teaching and learning from one’s piers.

Since returning from 15 years living in Australia to the Texas hill country in 2018, I’ve been able to continue my passion for working in clay. Sculpture, Alternative firing methods and functional pottery are the areas that I enjoy working in the most.

My figurative sculptures are my avenue for expressing ideas that I feel are contemporary, yet timeless – Allowing the viewer to establish their own view of the emotion that the piece evokes.

My blog, Marian Williams Pottery: A Love Affair With Clay, is a testament to this passion – giving me a way to share my knowledge and journey with clay to the clay community. The blog has been consistently rated a Top Pottery Blog by Pottery Making Info.
My work has been featured in Mountain Living Magazine, Miroque (a German Crafts Magazine), and Houston’s Metropolitan Homes Magazine.

I have exhibited my work at the Llano Estacado Wine and Clay Festival, the Sculpture on Main Exhibition, Perissos Winery, the Marta Stafford Gallery, the Australian Border Art Prize, and the Australian-Queensland Ceramic Award Exhibition.
If you would like to know why I blog and a little of my philosophy about clay, read this post which explains why I write about clay.

To contact me: