pottery with gumnuts

Gumnuts & Australian Pottery

As a Texan/Australian (yes, I have dual citizenship!), I decided to incorporate some Australiana into my pottery.

I decided to make a bowl with gumnuts on the edge as a textural element.  Gumnuts are “The hard woody fruit of trees of the genus Eucalyptus.”  Source

Gumnuts (and other seeds and leaves) collected from my walk on our property in Australia. 

When I googled gumnuts to find out about them, I discovered that there was a book, entitled Gumnuts & Glazes: The Story of Premier Pottery Preston, 1929-1956.


The book synopsis reads thus:

“Gumnuts, eucalyptus leaves and koala motifs combined with dazzling glazes have made Remued pottery, created at Premier Pottery Preston, a collector’s delight. This publication is the first to comprehensively catalogue the contribution of Premier Pottery to Australian ceramics.

“Premier Pottery Preston was set up by two potters, David Dee and Reg Hawkins, in 1929 during the Great Depression. It  began production in 1930, located in the northern Melbourne suburb of Preston at 52 Oakover Road. Most Australian art pottery at the time was produced as a sideline by firms whose main business was making tiles, pipes, insulators and the like – albeit an important sideline in terms of surviving the hard times of the Depression. Premier Pottery Preston was a small undertaking, unusual in that it produced only art pottery, all of it hand-thrown. David Dee threw the pots, Reg Hawkins painted them, and David’s son Walter Dee did the glazing and firing.” Source

Ceramics expert, Greg Hill, discusses the design, manufacturing and marking system of the pottery and, for the first time, the sequence and meaning of the markings on the base of the pots is explained. In addition, cultural historian, Noris Ioannou, in his essay, Depression to Celebration, places the achievements of the individuals and the pottery in a social and cultural context.”

So, there you have it!  My little project led me to a wonderful look into a bit of Australian Ceramic history!

And here’s my bowl!

pottery with gumnuts
Handbuilt bowl – top rim textured with gumnuts.

My stab at Australiana pottery!

Peace out, my pottery buddies!


noodle bowls

Lana Wilson: Make My Heart Sing!

I just reread my post, MirrorTime and Advice to Myself, which deal with deciding on my direction.

Noodle Bowls with Applique
Noodles Bowls with Applique.

Lana Wilson

The link to her article doesn’t seem to be working- click the above link to watch a video by Lana Wilson.
So here I am at the same crux in the road.  What do I want to do with my pottery?  I’ve got the glazing down pretty well, but a bowl is a bowl is a bowl!  I need it to make a statement – ’cause I’m for sure not going to be a production potter!

I think that as we progress, grow, learn, create and then evaluate, our goals and expectations for ourselves change.  When our expectations change, then the resultant product changes.  But I NEED that change to be something that will be positive and emphatic, not just a small decision.

Therefore, I’m reading Lana Wilson’s article AGAIN! AND I’m going to put my head to thinking on what I want next.  I need to get back to doing something that makes my heart sing!

aussie flies, kate middleton, pottery, musing

There’s A FLY In My Car-Driving Me Crazy

Even Kate Middleton Has Trouble With Aussie Flies!

aussie flies, kate middleton, pottery, musing
Even Kate Middleton Has Trouble With Aussie Flies!

Flies here in Australia are the most annoying insect on the planet!  They literally try to get into your nose or your mouth!  The Aussie Salute refers to the action of “waving one’s hand in front of the face at regular intervals in order to prevent bush flies from landing on it, or entering one’s nose or mouth.”

As I drove down the road recently, a fly – one fly – kept incessantly bugging me!  Trying to get into my nose (which I absolutely hate! Ask anyone in my family- I’ll kill you if you touch my nose!), my mouth and just buzzing me!

It reminded me of the story they told (truth or fiction) about Lindberg’s crossing of the Atlantic – that a fly was in the airplane cabin with him and flew around buzzing him and keeping him from falling asleep on his historic flight.

lindbergh, spirit of saint louis, pottery
Lindbergh and The Spirit of Saint Louis

Without this little annoying fly, Lindbergh could have fallen into the ocean and never made it across the Atlantic.

Which brings me to my point.  Sometimes, those really annoying, frustrating things in your life are the very things that keep you from falling asleep – from going brain dead – from not noticing.

So I say, be thankful for all those little annoying things in life.  Yes, they can be extremely frustrating!  but they can also keep you from falling asleep and missing the party!

I think I’m speaking directly about all the frustrations surrounding my work as a potter – and there are plenty!  I need to be thankful for them, for without them, I might be lulled into complacency – not noticing – what’s going on around me.

For instance, glazing! I can make a great form and then f*** it up with a bad glaze job!

Or I’m careless trimming a pot and punch right through the bottom!

But each issue, creates an awareness in me that wouldn’t have been there had it not been for that problem.

Be thankful for it all- the good and the bad!



Copper Red and Rutile Glazes

Subtleties In Glazing

I’m just not that subtle.  I’m a Texan.  An opinionated woman -known to some as a bitch!  I’m not even subtle in my glazing!

I go for the bold and colourful!  As with my personality – I’m bold, outgoing, and my language is definitely colourful (thank you Australia!).

Copper Red and Rutile Glazes
Copper Red and Rutile Glazes

However, I recently saw a piece of work that made me “rethink” subtlety and it’s power.  It might not be such a bad thing!

This is the bowl that I saw on Instagram! http://instagram.com/p/yOUDiQLCIx/

Yukari Obuchi's beautiful subtlely glazed bowl.
Yukari Obuchi’s  beautiful subtlely glazed bowl.

It’s by a potter, Yukari Obuchi – Japan.
Such subtle use of colour. The copper red is there, but just not so “in your face “.

What do you reckon?  Gorgeous?

Another potter using the subtle copper red approach is Tineke van Gils -Netherlands.

Click here for her website.  Her facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/tineke.vangils.9

Her work is just exquisite!

copper red, glazes, tineke van gils,
Beautiful subtle glaze work by Tineke van Gils.
copper red, glazes, tineke van gils,
Beautiful subtle glaze work by Tineke van Gils.
copper red, glazes, tineke van gils,
Beautiful subtle glaze work by Tineke van Gils.

So I’ve decided in my next glaze firing to try for a little subtlety – tame that copper red/blue thing down a bit.  Could be good! I’ll keep you posted.

As for subtlety in my personal life, I’ve decided to work on that too.  I’ve decided (after seeing it in action!) that there is NO REASON to be a bitch!  It’s not pretty, necessary, or ok – EVER!  So I may not be subtle, but I won’t be a bitch!  Pray for me, I may need help on this one!

Over and out, Tonto!


copper red, glazes, tineke van gils,
Beautiful subtle glaze work by Tineke van Gils.
Clay stamps, Wooden cabinet, repurposed, stamp storage, stamps

Pottery Stamps!! Adding Texture

I love stamps! I have the homemade clay kind. The plastic kind. The wooden kind. The rubber kind.  They add such great texture and interest to a piece.

But you know what! I can never seem to find the one I want when working. So I’ve organized them! Holy moly- what a concept!

Ronnie, my husband, cleaned up this old cabinet, added wheels and greased the drawers. Wahoo! A new storage chest for all my stamps!

Wooden cabinet, repurposed, stamp storage, stamps
My newly commissioned stamp cabinet.
Clay stamps, Wooden cabinet, repurposed, stamp storage, stamps
Two drawers of clay stamps that I have made.
Wooden cabinet, repurposed, stamp storage, stamps
Repurposed Cabinet For Stamps


We also found this cool little colourful storage box keeper for smaller stamps.

Stamps, pottery stamping, pottery studio organization
Cool New Storage Case – Rubber Stamps and Plastic Stamps
Stamps, pottery stamping, pottery studio organization
Handmade Pottery Stamps
Stamps, pottery stamping, pottery studio organization
Small Stamps For Edges.

I’m pretty excited to think I’ll be able to find what I need!!

Here’s a few pics of some stamped work.

Zsolnay, art ceramics, eosin


Zsolnay, art ceramics, eosin,
Vilmos Zsolnay

Zsolnay!!! Have you ever heard of him?  Neither had I?

Zsolnay, art ceramics, eosin
Zsolnay Bowl

But I found this image on Pinterest and was blown away!  I thought it was a current day artist…but no!

So here’s the skinny on Zsolnay.

I did a little research and found that Vilmos Zsolnay, from Budapest, Hungary,  was born in 1828.  Vilmos took his father’s ceramic factory to worldwide recognition by creating one of a kind porcelain pieces made with the eosin glazing process.

Zsolnay, art ceramics, eosin
Zsolnay Vase

During the war, the factory did the wartime production of insulators and has only recently made a comeback.  Actually, it is quite a comeback!  They have a contract with IKEA that should make them rich!  IKEA!!

For more on Zsolnay, check out Jason Jacques website at – Click here! 

There is also a huge website in Colorado Springs, Co – www.zsolnay.com Where you can shop for Zsolnay!!

Another interesting website is from the Zsolnay Cultural Center – Check it out here.

The work has such vibrancy, colour and imagery!

Zsolnay, art ceramics, eosin,
Zsolnay Vase
Zsolnay, art ceramics, eosin,
Zsolnay Vase

I’m absolute blown away by this art!


What Keanu Reeves And I Have In Common

Keanu Reeves - What We Have In Common
Keanu Reeves – What We Have In Common: Source

Maybe I don’t have ANYTHING in common with Keanu Reeves, but I do think his character in the Matrix movie, Neo, and I have a lot in common.

You know that scene in the Matrix where Keanu Reeves “gets it”?  He’s learned how to fight – and it comes to him automatically…almost in slow motion. Or was it the kissing scene that got me going? But I digress….

keanu reeves, pottery, he gets it, motivation
Keanu Reeves: He gets it too!

That’s what it’s felt like this week!  I’m focusing, being deliberate, being careful, thoughtful and it is so weird that it almost seems like I’m working in slow motion.  So that’s where I figure that Keanu Reeve and I have something in common – we are finally “getting it”!

I’ve struggled with my work – tried to work feverishly to make enough stuff to make me a good potter.  But I’ve slowed it all down.  I’m focusing.  I’m trying to work more deliberately, more planned, more careful!

Very exciting!  Here’s a sample of this week’s work!

raku, feather raku, terra sigillata
Raku Forms for Feather Raku
Pottery bowls, pottery stamps, altered pottery
Bowls! Stamped and Altered.


Peace out my lovelies,


George Ohr, art pottery, crazy potter, biloxi,

Ohr and Britt – Getting Me Back On Track!

john britt, midfire glazes, cone 6 glazes, glaze recipes
John Britt’s New Book on Midfire Glazes

John Britt and George Ohr got me to thinking.

While on vacation for Chrissy in the USA, I came to the realization that I’ve let so many distractions into my life that my own work has suffered, if not regressed! So I’ve decided to attack my priorities anew and get myself back on track!

One thing that got me to thinking was John Britt’s new book on Mid-fire Glazes.

It is written so expertly, yet simply and it has really made me think about what I’m trying to achieve – why the struggle for cone 10 reduction? Why have I tried Raku, woodfiring, pit firing, and all sorts of other things?! (who knows the answer to all those questions?!  When I fiugre it out, I’ll let you know!)

Britt’s book is amazing!  A great read!

One of my favorite tips- TO AVOID RUINING YOUR KILN SHELVES WITH DRIPPY GLAZES (like that would never happen, right?!)

1.  Roll thin slabs of clay

2.  Bisque them

3.  Kiln wash the thin slabs

4.  Place the thin kiln-washed slabs on your kiln shelves

5.  Fire your work on those thin slabs!!!

Saving your kiln shelves! Brilliant! and WHY didn’t I think of that?????

Plus his book is full of hundreds of brilliant glazes and LOADS of information!!

Buy it here on Amazon!

Buy it here from John Britt’s website (and he’ll sign your copy!)

Or if you are in Australia or New Zealand try this website for the Book Depository! (it says free shipping anywhere in the world! That’s good!)

I still love my cone 10 glazes and can’t see changing now, but the idea of midfire glazes lurks in my brain and his book makes it totally DOABLE!!

George Ohr:  The Greatest Art Potter On Earth
George Ohr: The Greatest Art Potter On Earth

Another amazing book that I read while on holiday was George Ohr:  The Greatest Art Potter On Earth by Eugene Hecht.

George Ohr, art pottery, crazy potter, biloxi,
George Ohr – The Crazy Potter of Biloxi, Mississippi

George Ohr – fascinating guy!

His work is totally öff the charts” in terms of creativity and originality!  But it again makes me wonder why I’m not doing the “Marian pottery” that I so long to create!!!!

George Ohr, Vase,
George Ohr Vases
George Ohr, vase, pottery, art pottery
George Ohr Vase
George Ohr, art pottery, vase, pottery
George Ohr Vase

Isn’t his work great?!  It excites me to see no limits!

Here’s a video about George Ohr and the Museum of his work in Biloxi, Mississippi  – on my “bucket list”of places to visit someday!

I basically have no excuses – I just need to keep working and creating!  It’s all happening!

Peace out, Potter buddies!


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