

We are burying the ashes of my father-in-law today. I think anytime we lose some we love we have to

Best ad ever!

Did yal see this ad?? Best ad ever! Love it!!! Sooooo creative!!!! It would be interesting to know what kind

Heaven, I’m In Heaven!

Song lyrics often pop into my head when I contemplate my frame of mind. Today it’s “Heaven, I’m In Heaven”.

Feed My Soul!!!!

I feel that to do good pottery I need to be able to “feed my soul”! How does one accomplish

Honourably Mentioned! Wahoo!

Wow! I’m flattered, pleased, and so chuffed about my honourable mention by the Pottery Making Info blog on the Top

Next step to a website

As I become more and more committed to being a full- time potter, I have to adjust my approach to

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